Einkennis- og viðskiptafatnaður

Starfsmannafatnaður getur haft mikil áhrif á upplifun viðskiptavina. IDÉ getur aðstoðað við að sérhanna einkennisfatnað og annan starfsmannafatnað til að styrkja ímynd fyrirækis.

Það tekur ekki nema um 26 sekúndur fyrir mögulegan viðskiptavin að mynda sér skoðun á fyrirtæki eða vörumerki. Vinnufatnaður starfsmanna gefur til kynna að það ríkir jöfnuður og að þar sé góð liðsheild. Þetta er einnig góð auglýsingavara fyrir fyrirtæki og skapar traust á fyrirtækinu.                             


IDÉ House of Brands er með mikið úrval af af vinnufatnaði í boði, þar á meðal fyrir starfsfólk í verslunum, í móttöku, vöruhúsum, flutningum, gestrisni og einkennisklæðnað. IDÉ aðstoðar þig með allt ferlið til að tryggja að öllu sé fylgt eftir.  

Afhverju að vera með starfsmannafatnað ? 


  • Góð fyrstu kynni

Vinnufatnaður starfsmanna getur haft áhrif á fyrstu kynni hjá kúnnum.

  • Styrkir vörumerkið

Hver er betri að markaðssetja fyrirtækið/vörumerkið þitt en starfsmennirnir ?

  • Skapar traust

Það ætti aldrei að vefjast fyrir viðskiptavinum hverjir starfsmenn fyrirtækisins eru. 





Það skiptir okkur máli að vera með vandaðan starfsmannafatnað. Góður fatnaður gefur í skyn að starfsfólkið sé fagfólk, það styrkir fyrirtækið og á sama tíma lætur það starfsfólkinu líða eins og það sé partur af heild.

Einfaldur vinnufatnaður

- hentugt fyrir minni vinnustaði 


By simple uniforms, we mean work clothes that are mainly delivered from stock. This suits most companies but opens up for small and medium-sized companies to easily assist employees with work clothes. Everything from restaurants, real estate agents, banks, offices, shops, warehouses, craftsmen and other service professions. The advantage of taking products from stock is that we can deliver quickly and that you do not have to commit to large quantities. This gives you both flexibility and it involves low risk.

We have many partners and can supply uniforms and other equipment to all industries, from robust workwear to neat suits. Even though we put together a collection from stock, we can put together combinations of garments and colors so that it feels unique. It is also possible to make simple adjustments to the garments, such as changing the color of the buttons in the shirt in addition to embroidering or printing the logo. With small grips, the garment becomes more unique and supports the company's profile.


- the best of both worlds

By "custom" uniform we mean a combination of stock items and specially produced workwear. The company is left with unique products with good visibility. The delivery time for the stock items is short at the same time as the various possibilities on the specially produced items are great. We deliver designs and ideas based on your profile and what you want to convey through the uniform.




- the best of both worlds


By "custom" uniform we mean a combination of stock items and specially produced workwear. The company is left with unique products with good visibility. The delivery time for the stock items is short at the same time as the various possibilities on the specially produced items are great. We deliver designs and ideas based on your profile and what you want to convey through the uniform.

Fólk í ólíkum starfsmannafatnaði
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- just for you


If you choose to custom-produce your uniform, you have several options. If you already have a collection or want to create a collection, our uniform team can help you.

For existing collections, we can look at different options, whether it is on materials, cuts, designs, accessories or price. If you want to make a new collection, we can assist you throughout the process. We can design unique uniforms that reflects you profile. 

Special production requires a minimum quantity, but the price per garment is often lower than when buying stock items. The big advantage is that we have the opportunity to adapt the products to the user and not least the use.


Workwear covers everything from flame-retardant textiles and visibility clothing to more traditional work trousers and fleece jackets.

Equipment such as hearing protection, safety shoes and work gloves are also important in many professions. We have a wide selection of accessories adapted to all industries, with or without logo according to your wishes.


IDÉ has ​​a large network of partners and we deliver workwear with the right certification in all price ranges. Proper work clothes are crucial in an everyday life with different loads and heavy physical work. Material and function are crucial, which is why we work exclusively with the best in the industry. We deliver complete sets from underwear to outerwear adapted to the season. As a total supplier of product media, we also supply profile products such as thermoses and lunch boxes, bags and purses to give employees that little bit extra.

Our goal is for you to do what you are best at and we will help you with what your employees need to both thrive and do the best possible job.


We deliver a wide range of products to companies around the world on a daily basis. Our goal is to minimize the potential negative impact our work has on people, society and the environment.

Although many of our company clothes are produced in Asian countries, we have a close dialogue with the manufacturers. We visit the factories every year, to check that contracts and the Code of Conduct are followed.

The purchasing department works closely with our partners to ensure long-term supplier contacts, and works to ensure that business practices are sustainable. In addition, we always ensure that the products can be traced, that they do not contain hazardous chemicals and that they at all times meet the statutory requirements for product labeling.